What is your vision for
our community?
"Our vision for a stable, sustainable economy is one that is built on a backbone of clean renewable energy and regenerative agriculture"
Our current global economy is built on the backbone of oil, gas and coal, as well as slavery, exploitative labor, and stolen land. The burning of fossil fuels over the last century and a half has continued to allow some to accrue great mobility and wealth at the expense of many others. A rapidly expanding human population has driven consumption far beyond what our one planet can support. The unfortunate consequence of rapidly burning these fuels is a planetary ecology that has suffered extreme degradation, to the point where it can no longer provide the ecosystem services necessary to maintain a stable climate, cleanse our air and purify our water, to create conditions suitable for human life.
Our vision for a stable, sustainable economy is one that is built on a backbone of clean renewable energy and regenerative agricultural practices. It is an economy that functions within the balance of our ecological "bank account," perpetually replenished by the energy of the sun. It is an economy where everyone has the chance to participate in the creation of prosperous and resilient communities while restoring the earth for future generations and wild nature.
The building of an ecology-based economy that can feed, clothe, house and educate a population projected to crest at nearly 10 billion souls by mid-century will demand a surge in creativity, innovation, and cooperation of unparalleled scale and scope. It will be a time of profound challenge and great opportunity. For those willing to rise to the occasion of forging a new path, in balance with natural systems and in cooperation with each other and our fellow species, the rewards will be great. They will include better nutrition and health from actively participating in robust and diverse local food systems, cleaner air and water, a stronger connection with our neighbors, and a more equitable and just society. We will also be rewarded with the satisfaction of promoting conditions suitable for life and creating opportunity for those who follow in our wake.
The Western Foothills of Maine are well-equipped to serve as a model for other communities in the transition to an ecology-based economy. Our assets include the ability to produce much of our food locally, a relatively dense population which sets us up well for electric vehicles and alternative modes of transportation, and a community full of skilled and inspiring humans.
In pursuit of climate justice, decolonization must be part of our work. CEBE staff and board members participated in the "Decolonizing Conservation Communities" training from Wabanaki REACH, and we continue our learning.